Investing Wisely In Stocks During Market Craziness With Kaye

Investing Wisely When Stock Markets Are Crazy With Kaye

Kaye and I are so excited to discuss investing and trading in stocks during market craziness in late summer 2022!

It’s a walk in the park talking with Kaye because his deep knowledge of investing and trading is absolutely awesome to learn from! I am so grateful to Kaye for such an engaging conversation that I believe you’ll find tremendous value in watching!

With a potential recession looming or already underway, stock markets had been euphoric lately in retracing halfway back up. We discussed some of the stocks we’re interested in and our investing and trading strategies to keep generating cash flow during these times of high inflation and economic uncertainty.

Video Contents:
-Kaye & Michelle Investing For The Long Term
-S&P 500 Summer Rally, Google, Apple
-Portfolio Hedging, Cash, Index Funds
Berkshire Loves Oil Stocks & Recession Looming
-What If Chinese Stocks Delist? (Like Alibaba)
Why Superinvestors Aren’t Buying American Stocks
Dare To Say No To Crypto And Options
Berkshire Hathaway 2023 Annual Meeting
Starbucks: Thank You Gen Z
-Finance YouTube Advertising Trends

We hope you enjoyed watching our first collab on a summer day in a park setting! Let us know your questions in the video comments section!

Apologies for any peripheral noises since we filmed in a park. If you see our eyes moving more to the left or right, we recorded with two cameras so we would have a backup. XD

Check out Kaye’s YouTube channel.

Check out Kaye’s Twitter.

Learn how to attend the Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting.

If you’re interested in learning how to take control of your finances and start becoming an investor like Warren Buffett, check out my free PDF guide.

I look forward to making more investor friends! Add me on Instagram: michellemarki