5 Investing Books That Changed My Life To Be Like Warren Buffett & Charlie Munger

5 Investing Books That Changed My Life

These are the top 5 investing books that changed my life to become an investor like Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger. I consider these authors to be role models on the path toward financial freedom: Danielle Town, Phil Town, Mohnish Pabrai, and Guy Spier. I am super grateful to have these teachers to learn how to invest like the best in a close knit community of investors who try to buy wonderful companies at attractive prices. Their values definitely reflect my own and I try to implement these principles and methodologies in my own investing practice.

These top 5 books are:

1. Invested (2018) by Danielle Town and Phil Town

2. Education of a Value Investor (2014) by Guy Spier

3. PayBack Time (2010) by Phil Town

4. Dhandho Investor (2007) by Mohnish Pabrai

5. Rule #1 (2006) by Phil Town

Please support your local library and/or bookstore to check these out! 🙂

I’m excited to be on a path to FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early), and I look forward to making more investor friends. Connect with me on my Instagram @ michellemarki!